function realcool()
function reallycool()
- 名稱大小寫有別
- 使用合法字元及避免使用保留字
- 取個有意義的名稱
function print_bold_text() { document.write("This is a bold statement!"); }
function reallycool(coolcar, coolplace)
function reallycool(coolcar, coolplace) { var mycar = coolcar; }
function reallycool(coolcar, coolplace) { document.write("My car is a " + coolcar); }
function reallycool(coolcar, coolplace) { document.write("My car is a " + coolcar + " and I drive it to " + coolplace); }
函式內的 return 敘述
function hello(name) { return "Hello, Mr. or Ms. " + name; }
在 script 中呼叫函式
在 HEAD 區域呼叫函式
建立 JavaScript 訊息方塊
window.alert("This is an alert!");
<HTML> <HEAD> <SCRIPT language="JavaScript"> <!-- window.alert("This is an alert!"); //--> </SCRIPT> </HEAD> <BODY> HTML 碼 </BODY> </HTML> </PRE>在函式中呼叫 JavaScript 訊息方塊
<HTML> <HEAD> <SCRIPT language="JavaScript"> <!-- function show_message() { window.alert("This is an alert!"); } show_message(); //--> </SCRIPT> </HEAD> <BODY> HTML 碼 </BODY> </HTML> </PRE>在 BODY 區域呼叫函式
<HTML> <HEAD> <SCRIPT language="JavaScript"> <!-- function print_text() { document.write("I came from a function!"); } //--> </SCRIPT> </HEAD> <BODY> <H4>在 BODY 區域呼叫函式</H4> <SCRIPT language="JavaScript"> <!-- print_text(); //--> </SCRIPT> <p> <B>This is a bold statement!</B> </BODY> </HTML>從一個函式呼叫另一個函式
<HEAD> <SCRIPT language="JavaScript"> <!-- function update_alert() { window.alert("Welcome! This site is updated daily!"); } function call_alert() { update_alert(); } call_alert(); //--> </SCRIPT> </HEAD>另一例子:<HEAD> <SCRIPT language="JavaScript"> <!-- function update_alert() { window.alert("Welcome! This site is updated daily!"); } function section_alert() { window.alert("Please visit the picture section!"); } function links_alert() { window.alert("Also, check out my links page!"); } function get_message() { update_alert(); section_alert(); links_alert(); } get_message(); //--> </SCRIPT> </HEAD>呼叫有參數的函式
<HEAD> <SCRIPT language="JavaScript"> <!-- function alerts( message ) { window.alert( message ); } function get_message() { alerts("Welcome! This site is updated daily!"); alerts("Please visit the picture section!"); alerts("Also, check out my links page!"); } get_message(); //--> </SCRIPT> </HEAD>使用全域變數
<SCRIPT language="JavaScript"> <!-- var mycar = "Honda"; var paycheck = 1200; function new_car() { mycar = "Ferrari"; // 全域變數 paycheck = 3500; // 全域變數 window.alert( "You need $" + paycheck + " to get a " + mycar ); } new_car(); window.alert( "You make $" + paycheck + " and have a " + mycar ); //--> </SCRIPT>使用區域變數
<SCRIPT language="JavaScript"> <!-- var mycar = "Honda"; var paycheck = 1200; function new_car() { var mycar = "Ferrari"; // 區域變數 var paycheck = 3500; // 區域變數 window.alert( "You need $" + paycheck + " to get a " + mycar ); } new_car(); window.alert( "You make $" + paycheck + " and have a " + mycar ); //--> </SCRIPT>呼叫有 return 敘述的函式
<SCRIPT language="JavaScript"> <!-- function get_added_text() { var text1 = "This is "; var text2 = "fun!"; var added_text = text1 + text2; return added_text; } var alert_text = get_added_text(); window.alert( alert_text ); //--> </SCRIPT>來源出處: https://www.csie.ntu.edu.tw/~sylee/courses/jscript/function.htm