
2021年4月23日 星期五

已然連線到遠端電腦 使用者程式發生錯誤




1. Open the registry key HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options.
2. Right click on Image File Execution Options and select Permission.
3. Ensure System has Full Control permission
4. Ensure SERVER\Users group has Read permission.

Click OK and test again. If the problem continues, please check this:

1. Locate the Registry Path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon. Make sure the value of Shell is explorer.exe
2. SERVER\Users group should have "Read & execute" and "Read" permission on %windir%\explorer.exe file.
3. Turn off antivirus programs for a test.

使用 DiskSpd 測試磁碟效能

  DiskSpd 是微軟創建的命令行磁碟測試工具。它結合了強大的IO工作負載定義來測量磁碟效能。由於它支援自由配置和調整參數,使其成為存儲效能測試、驗證和基準測試的理想工具。 步驟 1. 從 GitHub (說明) https://github.com/Microsoft/di...